Muna (6) Attends School at the War Child Safe Space Near Her Refugee Settlement

Muna and her family escaped the brutal civil war in Syria to find safety in Jordan. Yet life as a refugee is far from easy - and the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has made life harder still. The space where she would attend lessons is currently closed - yet Muna hasn’t let that stop her from continuing her education
Muna from Jordan has to take school from inside her tent at the refugee settlement

Muna (6) enjoys the digital lessons

Six-year-old Muna used to attend lessons every day in the War Child Safe Space near the refugee settlement she calls home. But decisive measures in Jordan to tackle the global COVID-19 pandemic have forced all places where children learn to close their doors.

The closures could have a significant impact for an entire generation of children. "It has major consequences for children who already face many challenges - such as having to adapt to a new culture and living in a new place without their friends and family,” says Dana, one of the teachers taking part in our Jordan programmes.

War Child's veilige plek in Jordanië waar gevluchte kinderen uit Syrië veilig zijn en naar school kunnen gaan

Muna used to go to War Child's Safe Space to get education. Due to the coronacrisis the school is closes.

Life in lockdown

Muna lives with her parents and five siblings in a caravan just four metres square - and shares her bathroom with 200 people. The spread of the coronavirus is a constant threat. All families are forced to stay in their caravans as much as possible - and this isolation brings social and emotional issues to the fore.

Life in lockdown has a significant negative impact on children’s psychosocial wellbeing. “Children often don't know how to deal with the feelings that the coronavirus crisis brings,” explains Dana. “Feelings such as fear, stress and anger."

“These children need the safe and stable environment that school provides."
Dana - War Child teacher
Ook in tijden van corona moet onderwijs doorgaan, daarom helpt War Child's Libanese docent Dana kinderen en ouders met thuisscholing

War Child teacher Dana supports Muna and her family in these harsh times amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Distance learning

War Child is working to meet the education needs of children amid the COVID-19 pandemic - and developing creative new ways to deliver vital support to children living in lockdown. We are supporting children like Muna to continue learning - using pre-recorded lessons to bring quality education direct to their homes. Muna receives three videos a day, five days a week. If children can’t go to school, then we will bring school to them.

“Fear and stress initially took over. But now - thanks to digital lessons - she remembers everything and is learning new things. She is slowly regaining her self-confidence."
Dana - War Child teacher

Working towards a better future

Muna enjoys her digital lessons and keeping pace with her curriculum. “When the virus forced us to close the school, Muna forgot what she had learned before the pandemic and was withdrawn,” Dana remembers.

Together we can support children like Muna to continue with their learning - and help prevent the emergence of a lost generation of children. With your help we can deliver quality education to many thousands of children in their homes, settlements and tents. Every child affected by conflict counts on a future. Can they count on your help too? Donate now.

*All names in this story have been changed to preserve the safety of the children who take part in our programmes.